Thursday, January 22, 2009
Inauguration 2009
Inauguration Day - HD Timelapse of the U.S. Capitol
Howard Univ Marching Band Hits the Big Time
by . VOA
Obama speaking at the State Department in Washington

U.S. President Barack Obama has ordered the closure of the detention center at the American naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. He is also moving quickly to put his own stamp on United States foreign policy, particularly regarding the Middle East.
In his second full day in office, Mr. Obama made good on one of his biggest campaign promises.
"We will close the Guantanamo Bay detention camp and determine how to deal with those who are held there," said President Obama.
He signed a series of executive orders on Thursday. Once calls for the closure of the facility within a year. Another sets strict ground rules for the interrogation and treatment of terror detainees.
"I can say without exception or equivocation, that the United States will not torture," said Mr. Obama.
The president set up a high-level panel that will review the status of all of the detainees at Guantanamo. Those who can be transferred, will. Others will remain until a decision is made on how best to handle their cases.
The treatment of all detainees will be under strict international guidelines. Secret detention facilities run by the U.S. intelligence community will shut down. And the White House says no detainees will be transferred to another country where they will be tortured or mistreated.
President Obama said the goal is to keep the American people safe, while obeying the rule of law and holding fast to moral values.
"We the people will uphold our fundamental values as vigilantly as we protect our security," he said. "Once again, America's moral example must be the bedrock and the beacon of our global leadership."
The Guantanamo detention center proved controversial almost since it's founding after the September 11, 2001 terror attacks on the United States and the start of the war in Afghanistan. Human rights groups deplored conditions there, and critics contend it has damaged America's moral standing abroad.
In signing the orders to overhaul U.S. policy on terror detainees, Mr. Obama, in a matter of minutes, overturned almost eight years of Bush administration policy.
As he moved from meeting to meeting and issue to issue on Thursday, the president also demonstrated his determination to leave his own stamp on U.S. policy in the Middle East and South Asia.
During his first appearance at the State Department, the president announced he is sending a special envoy to the Middle East - former Senator and veteran negotiator George Mitchell.
He will go to the region as soon as possible to help strengthen the Gaza truce between Israel and the militant group Hamas, and get the peace process back on track.
Mitchell, who helped broker the Northern Ireland peace deal in the 1990s, says there is no such thing as a conflict that cannot be ended.
"This effort must be determined, persevering and patient," said George Mitchell. "It must be backed up by political capital, economic resources and focused attention at the highest levels of our government."
The president also tapped former U.N. Ambassador Richard Holbrooke to be his envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan.
"This is the central front in our enduring struggle against terrorism and extremism," said Mr. Obama.
Mr. Obama has already ordered a full review of U.S. strategy in Afghanistan. He has vowed to send more American troops there as forces are withdrawn from Iraq.
by . voanews
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Obama 'close Guantanamo'

A draft order circulated on Wednesday also called for halting military trials in the prison, where terror suspects had been held for years without trial.
Separate orders are expected to ban abusive interrogations and review the detention of terror suspects.
On his first full day in office on Wednesday, Mr Obama issued orders on government ethics and transparency.
The measures included curbs on lobbying and a pay freeze for senior White House staff. Federal employees will have to sign up to new ethics procedures.
Later Mr Obama and his advisers are expected to discuss the global economic downturn affecting the US and also the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
Sworn again
Late on Wednesday, a panel in the House of Representatives gave its support to a $358bn government spending package, giving the first post-inaugural backing to the Democrats' economic plans.
Mr Obama - who was sworn in as America's new president on Tuesday - said he was beginning "a new era of openness" in government.
He was sworn in for a second time late on Wednesday, because one word had been out of order when the oath was first administered.
The White House said the ceremony had been repeated in an "abundance of caution".
On Wednesday, the US Senate confirmed the appointment of Hillary Clinton as secretary of state.
Senators earlier approved six Cabinet members, including Janet Napolitano as homeland security secretary and Steven Chu as energy secretary. Several other positions are still to be confirmed.
Trials suspended
The draft executive order on the Guantanamo Bay in Cuba was circulated by the Obama administration on Wednesday.
"The detention facilities at Guantanamo for individuals covered by this order shall be closed as soon as practicable, and no later than one year from the date of this order," the draft read, according to Reuters.
It says anyone still in detention when the prison is shut "shall be returned to their home country, released, transferred to a third country or transferred to another United States detention facility".
Speaking on condition of anonymity, a White House official said the order would be signed on Thursday.
Mr Obama has repeatedly promised to close the Guantanamo Bay, where some 250 inmates accused of having links to terrorism remain and 21 cases are pending.
On Wednesday, judges suspended several of the military trials of terror suspects at Guantanamo, at Mr Obama's request. One trial involved several men accused in the 11 September attacks in the US.
The legal process has been widely criticised because the US military acts as jailer, judge and jury, the BBC's Jonathan Beale reports from Guantanamo.
However, closing Guantanamo Bay will not be easy, he says. Questions remain over where those charged will be tried and where those freed can be safely sent.
On Thursday, Mr Obama is also expected to issue a separate executive banning abusive interrogation techniques such as waterboarding - a form of simulating drowning used by the CIA.
The president is also expected to order a review of America's detention policies, a White House official said.thanks by BBC
President Obama first day
Obama tells ABC's Good Morning America he will act swiftly on the economy
Barack Obama has signed his first executive orders ahead of talks with his military and economic advisers on a packed first full day as US president.
Mr Obama arrived in the Oval Office at 0835 and read a letter left by former President George W Bush. He then went on to Washington's National Cathedral.
Later he announced new ethics rules and a pay freeze for White House staff.
Mr Obama and advisers are to discuss an $825bn rescue economic package - as well as the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
The president's first day in office has also been dominated by the controversial military trials of terror suspects at Guantanamo. Judges have already agreed to suspend several of the cases requested by Mr Obama.
He became America's 44th president - and its first black leader - at noon on 20 January, and attended numerous events to mark the historic occasion.
On arrival at the Oval Office on Wednesday morning, Mr Obama read the note left to him by his predecessor George W Bush in an envelope marked "To: #44, From: #43", the White House said.
It said the president had telephoned four Middle Eastern leaders - President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel, King Abdullah of Jordan and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas.
"He used this opportunity on his first day in office to communicate his commitment to active engagement in pursuit of Arab-Israeli peace," the statement said.
The new president later attended the national prayer service - a tradition dating to the time of George Washington.
As the euphoria surrounding the inauguration dies down, the serious issues of the financial crisis and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq will top his agenda, correspondents say.
Mr Obama has already ordered last-minute regulations signed by Mr Bush to be put on hold.
Congressional leaders say they intend to pass the economy stimulus bill by the middle of February.
And Mr Obama promised that on his first day in office he would give his military commanders a new mission - to end the war in Iraq.
More than 140,000 US troops are still stationed in Iraq, five years after an invasion which the new president consistently opposed.
President Obama has promised to withdraw combat troops from Iraq within 16 months - and the Iraqi government has said that US forces are welcome to leave before the 2012 deadline set at the end of last year.
Guantanamo move
Within hours of his inauguration on Tuesday, the new president requested a halt to military trials at the Guantanamo detention camp. Judges have agreed to suspend six cases.
They include proceedings against five men accused of plotting the 11 September attacks.
The military judge halted their trial despite the fact that four of the five - including alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed - opposed the proposed suspension during a court hearing on Wednesday.
Earlier, the judge in the separate trial of Omar Khadr - a Canadian man accused of killing an American soldier in Afghanistan in 2002 - also agreed to suspend the case.
On Tuesday, Mr Obama and his Secretary of Defence Robert Gates asked for the Guantanamo trials to be suspended for 120 days "in the interests of justice".
Also on Wednesday there will be a debate over the appointment of Hillary Clinton as secretary of state.
Approval for her appointment was postponed after a Republican senator demanded a debate about foreign donations to a foundation headed by her husband, former President Bill Clinton.
Mrs Clinton's nomination is expected to be confirmed in a vote immediately after the debate.
Several other cabinet positions are still to be confirmed.
The US Senate, which traditionally moves swiftly to affirm a new president's cabinet, approved six members on Tuesday, including Janet Napolitano as homeland security secretary and Steven Chu as energy secretary.
Timothy Geithner, the nominee to head the treasury department, faced the Senate finance committee on Wednesday to explain his initial failure to pay payroll taxes he owed while working for the International Monetary Fund.
He apologised to the committee, saying he had been careless but that he had "paid what I owed".
Mr Obama last week called Mr Geithner's tax problems an embarrassment but an "innocent mistake".
Other Obama nominees still to be confirmed are Eric Holder as attorney general, and Tom Daschle as head of health and human services.
The new administration acted quickly after his inauguration to halt measures rushed through in the last days of the Bush administration - a common tactic by new leaders.
Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel ordered all agencies and departments to stop all pending regulations until a legal and policy review could be conducted, the White House said.
Such a review can be used by an incoming administration to delay so-called "midnight regulations" introduced between November's election and January's inauguration.Thanks by BBC
First African President of the USA

Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review. He worked as a community organizer, and practiced as a civil rights attorney in Chicago before serving three terms in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004. He also taught Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. Following an unsuccessful bid for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2000, Obama was elected to the Senate in November 2004. Obama delivered the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in July 2004.
As a member of the Democratic minority in the 109th Congress, Obama helped create legislation to control conventional weapons and to promote greater public accountability in the use of federal funds. He also made official trips to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. During the 110th Congress, he helped create legislation regarding lobbying and electoral fraud, climate change, nuclear terrorism, and care for U.S. military personnel returning from combat assignments in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Who is this guy?

Is he a Muslim? -- I don't think so.
But, I don't think he's a Christian, either.
He's a Socialist -- and worse he's an Alinsky socialist.
Yet, there is a part of Obama that is Muslim. There's the prepubescent youngster who lived in a Muslim household, in a Muslim country, attended a Muslim school, undoubtedly eager to please his peers and teachers, and doing his best to be a good little Muslim boy to please his new step-father.
The Jesuits would say, "Give me the child, and I will mould the man."
And, suddenly, young Obama is in Hawaii -- abandoned by his father, and now, his mother and stepfather.
During the day, he's going to school with the children of the Islands' elites, telling his classmates that his father was an African prince, the leader of a proud and successful people.
During the evening, he's tutored by Frank Marshall Davis -- grampa Stanley's drinkin' buddy -- who assumes the role of father-figure. Under Frank's tutelage, Marx replaced Muhammad.
There's still some Muslim in there somewhere -- some influence -- some sensitivity -- some empathy -- but, he's not a Muslim.
Davis, a radical black communist, fed the impressionable Obama a constant diet of "pissed off" and "blackness" all through his high school years. Davis's parting words to Obama on his leaving for Occidental College were, "college is an advanced degree in compromise" and he warned Obama not to forget his "people" and not to "start believing what they tell you about equal opportunity and the American way and all that shit."
Obama, who grew up in a comfortable white household, has struggled to find an identity as a righteous black men ever since. Obama resisted "the pure and heady breeze of privilege" to which he was exposed as a child, and rejected his "white skin privilege" or at least tried to.
At Occidental, Obama sought out the more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists. But, even though Obama had a full-boat scholarship, Occidental wasn't black enough for him and after two years he headed east to Columbia University -- on the edge of Harlem.
Obama's Columbia experience is a complete mystery. No one, absolutely no one, remembers Obama from Columbia -- Fox News asked 400 ex-students and all Fox got was shrugs. There is no picture of him in the yearbook. The only thing we really know about this period is that Obama spent a lot of time at the Marxist-Socialist conferences at Cooper Union and African cultural fairs in Brooklyn.
Obama stopped drugging sometime during the Columbia period. He started abusing marijuana and cocaine at Punahou. "Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack, though," he wrote.
Obama briefly flirted with New York, doing his first community organizing in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG). created by Ralph Nader in the 1970s. It's New York State's largest student-directed consumer, environmental and government reform organization.
Obama was then hired by a community organizer for the Developing Communities Project (DCP) of the Calumet Community Religious Conference (CCRC) in Chicago. The "Project" was funded by Bill Ayers' Woods Fund, which raised the question, "did Obama meet Ayers" while both were students in New York?
Obama was 24 years old, unmarried, and according to his memoir, searching for a genuine African-American community.
Both the CCRC and the DCP were built on the Alinsky model of community agitation, wherein paid organizers learned how to, in Alinsky's words, "rub raw the sores of discontent."
Alinsky viewed as supremely important the role of the organizer, or master manipulator, whose guidance was responsible for setting the agendas of the People’s Organization. "The organizer," Alinsky wrote, "is in a true sense reaching for the highest level for which man can reach -- to create, to be a 'great creator,' to play God."
Alinsky wrote, "Rules for Radicals," a book he dedicated to Lucifer, whom he called the "first radical'" For Alinsky, "Change" was his mantra. By "Change," Alinsky meant a quiet, Marxist revolution achieved by slow, incremental, Machiavellian means that turned society inside out. This had to be done through systematic deception, winning the trust of the naively idealistic middle class, and by using the language of morality to conceal an agenda designed to destroy it. And the way to do this, he said, was through "people’s organizations'"
One of Obama's early mentors in the Alinsky method was Mike Kruglik, who had this to say to an interviewer of The New Republic, about Obama:
"He was a natural, the undisputed master of agitation, who could engage a room full of recruiting targets in a rapid-fire Socratic dialogue, nudging them to admit that they were not living up to their own standards. As with the panhandler, he could be aggressive and confrontational. With probing, sometimes personal questions, he would pinpoint the source of pain in their lives, tearing down their egos just enough before dangling a carrot of hope that they could make things better."
Watch Obama work a crowd at a town hall meeting. He comes out, says a few words in greeting and then begins his laundry list of all the stuff that's wrong with America, getting the audience all revved up. When the crowd is engaged and sufficiently "pissed off," Obama presents a solution to the all the things that are "pissing them off" -- the chosen one, the anointed one, the Obama -- as president.
Alinsky's goal was to slowly turn the United States into a Communist dictatorship; to this end he tried to convince various groups of poor people and labor unions to push for legislation in that direction; he did this by appealing to their self-interest -- whether valid or not -- instead of using charismatic leadership -- but now we have Obama, who is skilled in the Alinsky method and charismatic.
The unrepentant terrorist, Bill Ayers, was a constant during Obama's "Alinsky" period. Alinsky supplied the method but Bill Ayers supplied the money and the connections to the Chicago Left that allowed Obama to grow his activism into political office. When Obama wasn't agitating, he was elbow to elbow with Bill Ayers on one project or another.
One of Ayers' and Obama's schemes, the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, spent $150 million to radicalize Chicago schoolchildren.
When Obama undertook his agitating work in Chicago's South Side poor neighborhoods, he was un-churched. Yet his office was in a Church and most of the folks he needed to agitate and organize were Church people -- pastors and congregants, who took their churches and their church-going very seriously. Again and again, he was asked by pastors and church ladies, "Where do you go to Church, young man?"
In the paperback version of "The Audacity of Hope," in the chapter entitled "Faith," beginning on page 195, and ending on page 208, Obama is telling us that he doesn’t really have any profound religious belief, but that in his early Chicago days he felt he needed to acquire some spiritual "street cred."
So, at 28, Obama finally joined a church, in part to deepen what one friend called "a whole web of relationships" in the community. It also gave him a strong political base and a well-connected mentor.
Obama didn't join just any church, but a huge black nationalist church, the Trinity United Church of Christ (UCC). Its pastor, Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, a former Muslim and racist black nationalist, unabashedly preached a "black" gospel" and the Marxist "Black Liberation Theology."
Membership in this congregation gives Obama the political cover he needed. He now introduces himself as a Christian, although he has never been baptized.
Swearing allegiance to the "Black Value System" of a church whose foundation is "Black Liberation Theology" does not a Christian make. But it is good politics on the South Side.
Harvard Law School changed everything. Being the first affirmative-action president of the Harvard Law Review netted Obama a book deal -- which he booted -- he spent the money but didn't produce a book -- but he got a second advance and headed off to Bali, Indonesia, to finish his fable, "Dreams From My Father," the source of almost everything we know about Obama.
In the early 90's, Obama married and practiced civil rights law for a couple of years and then, with the publication of "the book," Obama started blossoming out. He cut back on his law practice. He began teaching at the University of Chicago. He chaired the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.
And, finally, Obama saw the chance to run for the state senate in a district that included Hyde Park, the home of the University of Chicago and some of the poorest ghettos on the South Side.
Obama challenged hundreds of signatures on his rivals' nominating petitions and kept challenging petitions until every one of Obama's four Democratic primary rivals was forced off the ballot and won unopposed.
The man now running for president on a message of giving a voice to the voiceless first entered public office not by leveling the playing field, but by clearing it.
During his run for the Illinois state senate seat, Obama received the endorsement of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). Obama was/is an associate of the Chicago branch of the DSA, and a member of the "New Party," and signed documents seeking their support.
Obama has spent his entire political career trying to win the next step up. Every three years, he has aspired to a more powerful political position.
When Obama was considering a run for the US Senate in 2003, he paid an intriguing visit to Emil Jones, Jr., the Illinois Senate Majority Leader.
"You have the power to elect a U. S. senator," Obama told Jones, a former Chicago sewers inspector, who had risen to become one of the most influential African-American politicians in Illinois.
Jones looked at the ambitious young man smiling before him and asked, teasingly: "Do you know anybody I could make a U. S. senator?"
According to Jones, Obama replied: "Me." It was an audacious step in his spectacular rise from the murky political backwaters of Springfield, the Illinois capital.
Jones had served in the Illinois Legislature for three decades. He represented a district on the Chicago South Side not far from Obama's. He became Obama's kingmaker.
Several months before Obama announced his U.S. Senate bid, Jones called his old friend Cliff Kelley, a former Chicago alderman who now hosts the city's most popular black call-in radio program.
I called Kelley last week and he recollected the private conversation as follows:
"He said, 'Cliff, I'm gonna make me a U.S. senator.'"
"Oh, you are? Who might that be?"
"Barack Obama."
Jones appointed Obama sponsor of virtually every high-profile piece of legislation in the senate, angering many rank-and-file state legislators who had more seniority than Obama and had spent years championing the bills.
"I took all the beatings and insults and endured all the racist comments over the years from nasty Republican committee chairmen," state senator Rickey Hendon, the original sponsor of landmark racial profiling and videotaped confession legislation, yanked away by Jones and given to Obama, complained to me at the time. "Barack didn't have to endure any of it, yet, in the end, he got all the credit."
"I don't consider it bill jacking," Hendon told me. "But no one wants to carry the ball 99 yards all the way to the one-yard line, and then give it to the halfback who gets all the credit and the stats in the record book."
Every bill Obama passed as a state senator was passed his last year. During his seventh and final year in the state senate, Obama's stats soared. He sponsored a whopping 26 bills passed into law -- including many he now cites in his presidential campaign when attacked as inexperienced.
It was a stunning achievement that started him on the path of national politics -- and he couldn't have done it without Jones.
When Obama decided to run for the U. S. Senate he was virtually unknown in his own state. Polls showed fewer than 20 percent of Illinois voters had ever heard of Barack Obama.
But he got a boost, when, on June 2004, the billionaire, George Soros threw a big fund-raiser at his New York home for Obama’s Illinois Senate campaign. Soros and family personally chipped in $60,000. No telling what Soros' buddies chipped in.
Then the Democratic Party introduced Barack Obama to the nation on July 27th, 2004, when Obama delivered his now-famous speech before the Democratic National Convention.
During the 2004 senate campaign, Obama ridiculed as "a silly question" whether he would run for president or vice president before his term ends in 2011. "I’ve never worked in Washington," he said. "I can unequivocally say I will not be running for national office in four years, and my entire focus is making sure that I’m the best possible senator on behalf of the people of Illinois."
In November, 2004, Obama was elected to the United States Senate, mostly through the self-destruction of his top opponents in both the primary and general elections.
Almost immediately after his swearing-in Obama's beatification began when Time magazine named Obama one of "The World's Most Influential People." He was listed among other leaders and revolutionaries. The British journal, New Statesman, named Obama one of "10 People Who Could Change the World."
In the first 18 months of his first Senate term Obama was also writing his second book, "The Audacity of Hope." Immediately after finishing it, he built up support for his forthcoming Presidential campaign by campaigning for other Democrats in 2006, took part in a book tour, made a few appearances on entertainment shows, and began his campaign for the presidency. Not much time for doing what he was elected to do -- represent the people of Illinois.
On Tuesday, January 16th, 2007, less than two years after his swearing-in, Obama, who has been repeatedly identified as the most liberal member of the U. S. Senate, took the first step toward running for president by filing papers to create a presidential exploratory committee.
Pretty much, everybody that cares, has watched what has gone on since. The elevation of Obama to cult status as the Obamamessiah. The "we can change the world" slogans and mass crowds. The Alinsky-inspired challenges about "the world as it is, and the world as it should be."
But, there was a downside to the campaign. The Rev. Wright's hateful, racist and anti-American sermons become public and, after 20 years, Obama swore he didn't know anything about it, saying, "I wasn't in church that day."
The names Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn bubbled up and Obama went, "Who?"
His pal and money-man Rezko was found guilty and Obama said, "What?"
The Annenberg Challenge? The only executive experience Obama has, is missing from his resume.
ACORN? Nuts!
Obama doesn't know anybody or anything.
Have you noticed? Obama doesn't have any close friends. Obama doesn't have a "best friend," a pal or a buddy, who goes back to Punahou, or Occidental, or Columbia, or Harvard, or the projects -- not one.
But, the people that are around Obama all have one thing in common -- they all hate America -- and there's a bunch of them that are hard-core communists.
His wife (Michelle), his mentor (Davis), his druggy buddy (Rafik), his pastor (Wright), his other pastors (Pfleger, Meeks, Watts), his associates (Ayers, Dohrn, Klonsky) or his supporters at the Daily Kos and Code Pink all have one thing in common -- they all hate America -- and they all say so, all the time -- and Obama feigns surprised that anyone would question his patriotism, even as he disrespects his country's symbols.
Obama and all his friends have clearly stated their goals. America, as it is and has been, needs to change and the change they have in mind is socialism -- at best.
I know this is true, because these people have repeatedly and clearly said so. They're all up to their ears in the "quiet revolution," first described by the Italian Marxist, Antonio Gramsci, and they feel it is at hand. They can taste victory and it all hinges on Barack Hussein Obama.
The mainstream media provides cover for Obama. It has completely abrogated its role and responsibility to vet him.
On the Internet, there is an organized, systematic cleansing of Obama-related content.
Every couple of days I get an email telling me this link, or that link, connects to a "Page not found -- 404 error." The extensive body of Obama web-knowledge, that has evolved over the last 20 years, is shrinking. Stuff that's considered an Obama smear or unflattering is sent to the Obama '08 cyber shredding machine. And the campaign is getting help from some really big web service providers.
A good example is Kristof's famous New York Times article, in which Kristof quotes Obama saying that the Muslim call to prayer is "one of the prettiest sounds on Earth" and in which Obama recited the Muslim call to prayer, the Adhan, "with a first-class [Arabic] accent" -- that's gone -- from The New York Times (It's here though).
And, the Trinity UCC website has completely changed. Now, it's all sweetness and light. Gone are all those great Rev. Wright "God damn America" videos and anti-Israeli Trumpet magazine excerpts.
Obama has lived for 48 years without leaving any footprints -- none! There is no Obama documentation -- no paper trail -- none.
Original, vault copy birth certificate -- Not released
Certificate of Live Birth -- Released -- Counterfeit
Obama/Dunham marriage license -- Not released
Obama/Dunham divorce -- Released (by independent investigators)
Soetoro/Dunham marriage license -- Not released
Soetoro adoption records -- Not released
Soetoro/Dunham divorce -- Released (by independent investigators)
Fransiskus Assisi School School application -- Released
Punahou School records -- Not released
Selective Service Registration -- Released -- Counterfeit
Occidental College records -- Not released
Passport (Pakistan) -- Not released
Columbia College records -- Not released
Columbia thesis -- Not released
Harvard College records -- Not released
Harvard Law Review articles -- None (maybe 1, unsigned?)
Baptism certificate -- None
Medical records -- Not released
Illinois State Senate records -- None
Illinois State Senate schedule -- Lost
Law practice client list -- Not released
University of Chicago scholarly articles -- None
The Illinois State Archives told Judicial Watch that they never received any request from Senator Obama to archive any records in his possession. In 2007, Obama told Tim Russert that his records were "not kept."
And there's less on the web every day. In time, the entire Obama body of knowledge will consist of 3 documents -- "Dreams From My Father" -- "The Audacity of Hope" -- and the latest -- "Change We Can Believe In" -- all written by Barack Hussein Obama or his "ghost-writers."
Obama is an immensely talented man whose talents have been largely devoted to crafting, and chronicling, his own life. Not things. Not ideas. Not institutions. But himself.
So, you can understand why I say, I know less about Obama now than I did at the beginning. The critical stuff is disappearing and all we have left is Obama's idealized version of events. So, this undocumented stranger, who has repeatedly been rewarded for the work of others, could be our next president?
All evidence points to the fact that Obama, who finds it hard to praise the United States for any achievement without mentioning some sin or grave shortcoming for balance, is, by law, not even eligible for POTUS because he is not a "natural born citizen" of the United States.
And, Obama is already building a cadre to lead his own "people’s organization" -- and he's got a ton of money -- more than $75 million.
Obama has, through his nonprofit group, "Public Allies," a pun on Alinsky's "people’s organizations," has been organizing and training a political cadre since 1993. There are fifteen fully-staffed and populated chapters, operating under the watchful eye of Michelle Obama.
The Obama Campaign is also conducting, at the state level, a "national program for social change," called "Camp Obama," and there's no marshmallows at Camp Obama. Here's their sign-up page -- you too can be a "Deputy Field Organizer."
Obama Campaign's website promises that "you'll get the kind of experience that Barack got as a community organizer on the South Side of Chicago," and "Camp Obama is your chance to step up and become a leader in this movement."
Movement? What movement?
Public Allies and Camp Obama are Alinsky training programs designed to build a core group of "community organizers" dedicated to "social change" in their communities.
Their charter will be to bring about "Change." They'll do this through threats, pressure, tension and confrontation -- getting people "pissed off" -- the tactics of Alinsky.
Obama is cloning thousands of baby Obamas -- a "people’s organization" -- and on our dime. He's got an Internet database of 3 million names that can be pointed at -- or away from -- an issue at the drop of a database-generated email.
A "movement" -- dedicated to social change by getting people "pissed off" -- and there will be thousands of them in the neighborhoods and hundreds of thousands more on the Internet.
If Obama should sit in the Oval Office, just what do you think he has planned for these guys?
And -- if Obama shouldn't sit in the Oval Office, just what do you think he has planned for these guys?
Remember this?
On July 2nd, 2008, Obama spoke in Colorado Springs and hit themes of national service, foreign policy, and national security. In that vein, Obama proposed a rather extraordinary idea -- that the US should spend as much money on a civilian national security force as it does on the military. (video)
"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."
And what color shirts will they wear?
Lenin said this about socialism, "The goal of socialism is communism."
None of this is good.
Thanks By theobamafile
Here's What Change Really Means

YouTube link
This is Barack Obama at his best, especially when he talks about why the same old politics just won't do, and about how when we are united, there's nothing Americans can't do. This is the fire that carried this campaign to the Democratic nomination. This is the fire that will carry us through the election.
Sarah Palin may have women flocking - to Barack Obama

If John McCain wanted to poach the women's vote from Barack Obama, he shouldn't have tapped a running mate who dubbed herself a "pit bull with lipstick."
At least, that's the assessment of women Democratic operatives who seem tickled at Obama's prospects for November.
"So much of the information about her [Palin's] agenda and her experience did not resonate with women voters outside the Republican base," said Ellen Moran, executive director of EMILY's List, which promotes Democratic women candidates.